Saturday July 19th
ききながら hotplugとかgroffとかをいじっていた
Jonas Oberg @ / FSF Europe
- you can't use public domain to give people freedom
- defend freedom of software
- we need to have copyright
- legal maintainability
- A comment I heard from a well placed person in the FSF was that
GPLv3 is not just Richards baby and is likely to be fine, but that the
FDL is entirely rms' baby.
Jeff Bailey
- cdbs is a modular system that you can use to radically simplify
your debian/rules files
- The idea is that it's modular so that you don't pay for features
you don't use, and extensible so that you don't need to fork to get
special features you need.
Andreas Schuldei
- debian as a social group
- distinct features of growing groups
- empowering leadership
- gift-oriented work
- Debian's Vision: The Social Contract
- loving relationship
- respect each other
Martin Michlmayr
- They are responsible for a package but don't maintain it
- also known as AWOL (Absent WithOut Leave)
- Debian: ownership (package)
- other projects: fre maintainers + many contributors (e.g. code contribution)
- Sources of informatio
- LDAP echelon (last mail and last encrypted mail)
- RC (release critical) bugs
- FTBFS (Fails To Build From Source) bugs are 'fixed'
- Standards-Version out of date (conforms to old version of the policy)
- @debian e-mail bounces
- Attention
- Be polite
- Don't forget we're volunteers
- There might be a good reason for being MIA
- MIA pings
- they have 2 months to respond; if they don't respond, their account will be retired
- 191 people were mailed
- alive: 10
- maybe: 38
- noreply: 71
- retire-me: 43
- New Maintainer
- how to ensure that people don't become inactive after 2 months?
- initial hardle
- long-term contribution
- Teams
- Have maintainer teams
- Uploaders: PTS
- NM: promote becoming co-maintainers
Michael Beattie, Anthony Towns, James Troup
- archive size
- buzz: 229MB
- rex: 306Mb
- bo: 1.2G
- hamm: 2.1Gb
- slink: 4.1Gb
- daily pulse: 200MB -> 1Gb+
- average is ~500Mb
- People drop other archives (e.g. GNU) to make space for Debian
- pool
- Britney Theory
- Theory 1: Unstable is well maintained most of the time
- Theory 2: Measure server brokenness by bugs, builds and deps.
- Theory 3: If it's never broken, it's always releasable!
- Britney Failures
- parts of unstable aren't well maintained
- toolchain, gnome2, snapshot packages
- Bug appearing in testing
- "Oh, I'll fix that when we get closer to the freeze"
Javier Fernndez-Sanguino Pea
Conference Dinnerまでの間
keysigning - 1対1でID checkをしたり。

PDP-7 working!

Jeff Bailey が司会
Martin Michlmayrの挨拶
I'm wearing SuSE T-shirt, and aj wearing RedHat T-shirt, but this is
the balance.
Bdale Garbee, Linux & Open Source Lab, Linux CTO
HP and Debian (dinner speech)
Fumitoshi UKAI
Last modified: Fri Jul 25 12:36:02 JST 2003